Thursday, February 12, 2009

Still Coughing Up Phlegm...

...But I'm doing much better. My voice is slowly coming back and my coughing fits aren't as intense. Of course, I still woke up hacking my lungs up at 4:30 this morning when my large dose of NyQuil decided to give up. But other than that...I'm doing much better.

OK - Enough of my complaining...

I'm taking a painting class this quarter and am very much enjoying it. I've never really worked with oils before and I'm learning a lot. Our first assignment was called "Evoking an Image." We were given a drawing of different lines and shapes and we had to duplicate the lines on our canvas. We then had to move the canvas around until we gained some inspiration on what we wanted to paint. It could be anything - realistic or abstract. When I paint, I tend to lean more towards abstraction, but this piece took me in a more stylized direction. Wanna see? it is...

It works perfectly beside our $15 flea market-find 1970s orange chair. I was pretty happy with the outcome and, hey, I got an "A" on it! Woohoo!


Anonymous said...

Wow Sarah - it's absolutely beautiful! I love the colors you used. And hope you feel better - I hate lingering colds!

Anonymous said...

I love your painting!!! I do hope you feel better soon!! Love, Mumma:)

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